Export Institution Settings

The Export screen contains the institution settings for customising exports.

Export institution settings screen

The fields on the Export screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Export Header Background Colour The header background colour to be used on export files.
Export Header Foreground Colour The header foreground colour to be used on export files.
Export Row Background Colour The row background colour to be used on export files.
Export Row Foreground Colour The row foreground colour to be used on export files.
Export Row Stripe Background Colour The row stripe background colour to be used on export files.
Export Row Stripe Foreground Colour The row stripe foreground colour to be used on export files.
Export First Column Background Colour The first column background colour to be used on export files.
Export First Column Foreground Colour The first column foreground colour to be used on export files.
Export First Column Stripe Background Colour The first column stripe background colour to be used on export files.
Export First Column Stripe Foreground Colour The first column stripe foreground colour to be used on export files.